
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

At the library

Sorry about that last post its just i ACCIDENTLY pressed "enter". Well the reason im writing this is becuz the funnniest thing EVER just happened this little girl who i dont even know started SCREAMING at this guy named Matt Dettloff about god knows why and then quieted down and asked him " Where are the rats?" YOu may not think it was funny but it was hi-lari-us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THat last part was officially retarted.

Scincerly, Jumpy Julia
( email me at


Unknown said...

HEYYYYYYY its me tanya.
this is my schedule for school

1st- math reach- mrs. steahly
2nd- soc. studies- mrs. brandt
3rd- science- mrs. sutter (my seminar!)
4th- unified arts- computer lit- mrs. lazzaro
5th- P.E.- mr. sutter (him and mrs. sutter are married!)
6th- LUNCH!
7th-8th- english reach- mrs. westendorf
9th- spanish- ms. cruger

Unknown said...

guess wat i made a new blog but you probably wont like it cuz its about a certain series i read
its called "warriors fan club".

check it out at
