
Sunday, September 28, 2008


Hello about my earlier entry Grace had wanted me to hold Izzy down so she could punch her ( she was just kidding) about this picture to the left i just thought it was kinda funny so i just randomly put it there! ( i know everything i do or say is PRETTY RANDOM!! I better get going to bruch my teeth and hair cuz i got to get up at 5 in the morning. You better feel bad for me!


Julia P.s. email me at

I have a youtube video and some other st uff

Hey everybody! do you ever go on youtube? Well in made a video! just type in Leelee2765 or us dancing to low by Flo Rida if it doesnt work i'll work on it! I g2g hold Izzy down so i g2g BYE!!!!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

HI ( kinda random)

this is just a random entry so all of this is gonna be kindas random like the whole entry!
Yesterdasy was my bratty, spoiled cousin Lourdes's birthday and she got a kitten thats gray and white and weighs about less then a feather! If its a girl ( they dont know yet) its name is gonna be cutiepie and if its a boy its gonna be named Toto! I am now pursuading my mom to get me one ( i think its working)! I gotta go to softball game now so BYe!!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


HI everyone i am at grace's house right now writing this she is singing "its possible" from suessical. It's getting strange! i like the white sox and it was awsome when Thome hit the home run in the 15th inning. That made them win it they're now 2 games ahead into 1st place ahead of ther twins. YEsterday my soccer team played the hardest team and we tied it!! I g2g cuz im working on my blog so Bye!